1.生活是一面镜子,乐观的人看到的是自己的微笑。(Life is a mirror. Those who are optimistic see themselves smile.)

2.愉快的心情,阳光的心态,也是你最好的衣裳。(Be happy and positive, and you will always have a better chance in life.)
3.确保头发干净,人应当常常保持整洁和礼貌。(Keep your hair clean and tidy. That's how you can be polite to others.)
4.幸福是由每一个微小的生活愿望达成。(Happiness is about getting small things in life.)
5.当你得到喜欢的礼物 ...(Like a gift you've longed for)
6.想吃的时候有得吃...(Like something to eat when you feel hungry)
7.想被爱的时候有人关爱...(Like feeling loved when you happen to need some love)
8.生活中不一定需要很多朋友,但要有一个爱人陪伴。(What's important is to have a loved one by your side)
9.和自己的爱人在一起,你们的世界彼此懂。(Someone you understand fondly and make you feel understood)
10.没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。(There is actually no indebtedness. The point is how you cherish each other)
11.珍惜爱人,不管阴晴圆缺。(Just cherish your loved one no matter what)
12.不冷不烫,正好就是最好。(Neither too cold, nor too hot, warmth is the best)
13.抱着对明天的欢乐期望而入睡。(Fall asleep thinking about good things that will happen tomorrow)
14.如果沿途美丽,那就不要走太急。(Slow down if there is good view to enjoy)
资料来源:绘画系教授 代大权