2.张敢、梁开:材料、新材料与新唯物主义 : “唯物思维”首届国际当代材料艺术双年展 ,《装饰》,2023年2期。(CSSCI)
3.张敢主编,梁开执行主编, 《唯物思维:首届国际当代材料艺术双年展作品集》,北京:建筑工业出版社,2022年。
13.Kai Liang, From a piece of material to a matter of fact: How does material become art?, VII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Ukraine, September 8, 2021.(国际会议收录)
14.Kai Liang, Thinking at the Edge of the World: Female, Material, and Art, 13th International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art "Scythia", Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine, June 16, 2020.(国际会议收录)
15.Kai Liang, Contemporary Material Art in the Perspective of New Materialism, Thesis Collection of the 5th Art and Science International Symposium(TASIES 2019), pp.847-858.(国际会议收录)
16.Kai Liang, Fiber Art in a Care Narrative, the 8th International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA Sustainable City, Madrid, Spain, September 19, 2019. (国际会议收录)
17.Kai Liang, Three Value Orientations in The Development of Contemporary Fiber Art, Yedi: Journal of Art, Design & Science, 2018, Issue 20, pp.129-135. (EBSCO收录)
18.Kai Liang, Fiber Art Connects The World—“From Lausanne to Beijing” International Fiber Art Biennale, 2017 Conference “SDA at 40: Making Our Mark”, Portland State University & Oregon College of Art and Craft, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 3-6, 2017.(国际会议收录)
19.Kai Liang, Contemporary Discourse of Fiber Art, International Conference Fiber-Design-Education, the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland, November 24, 2016.(国际会议收录)
20.Kai Liang, The therapeutic value of Fiber Art, 4th International Symposium on Philosophy, Education, Arts and History of Science, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, Turkey, April 15-19, 2020.(国际会议收录)
21.Kai Liang, Living Fiber: Jovita Sakalauskaite. 经纬天地: 2018年“从洛桑到北京”国际纤维艺术论文集. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2018。(国家艺术基金项目)
22.Kai Liang. Fiber Art In Public: Nancy Kozikowski. 经纬天地: 2018年“从洛桑到北京”国际纤维艺术论文集. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2018。(国家艺术基金项目)