我们正处于一个快速变化的时代,学科边界不断融合,各种抗解问题(wicked problems)的出现给设计研究提出了新的挑战,即如何在充满可能性的新时代形成设计研究的范式,摆脱长久以来对其他学科研究方式方法的借鉴模式?这就需要更多的学者关注“设计研究”的研究,回归本源,探索设计学科自身的发展规律。基于此,第十二届(清华大学)高校设计研究博士论坛以“设计•研究•过程”作为主题,更加强调研究的“过程”,以期能够获得更多有关设计研究方法、路径和元理论层面的经验。


杜月 Yue Du
Topic: City Ethnography: Stranger's World and Stranger's Eyes
杜月,清华大学社会科学学院社会学系副教授,仲英青年学者,《清华社会科学》编辑部主任。2018年获得威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校社会学博士学位,主要研究方向为发展社会学、城市社会学、社会理论等,多篇论文发表于《社会学研究》《社会》和《Urban Geography》等期刊上。
Content Introduction
At the beginning of last century, cities became more and more important geographical forms, and more and more people poured into cities to live and work. In city life, people become more and more strange to each other, and they are on crowded streets, but cannot share anything about their past and future. In this society of strangers, how can sociologists understand and study people's lives through the fog? The urban ethnography of Chicago School completely subverts the traditional ethnography attitude towards the other, and has made some profound innovations in theory and research methods. These theoretical insights and fieldwork skills still have great inspiration for us trying to understand others in the society at this time.
Curriculum Vitae
Du Yue, associate professor of School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Zhong Ying young scholar, and director of Editorial Department of tsinghua social sciences. In 2018, she received a doctor's degree in sociology from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research directions are development sociology, urban sociology, social theory, etc. Many papers have been published in journals such as sociological research, society and urban geography.

邱松 Song Qiu
Topic: The Design of the "Mang (Awn)"— the Core and Boundary of Design Morphology
Content Introduction
"Mang (Awn)" stands out without losing its roots. Design morphology has the same quality. Itis based on design, but not limited to existing comfort zones. With the help of "morphological study", it keeps exploring and breaking the boundary.It is committed to interdisciplinary collaborative innovation while integrating with other disciplines. Thus, design morphology gradually reveals its edge — The Design of the "Mang (Awn)".
Curriculum Vitae
Director of the Fundamental Education Department of Art and Design, professor in the Industrial Design Department, Academy of Arts& Design, Tsinghua University.Chief Expert of Major Project of National Social Science Foundation; Top 10 Educators of Industrial Design in China; Director of Beijing Industrial Design Promotion Association; Director of Beijing Design Society; Director of China Fashion Color Association; Member of International Design Management Association; Senior member of China Industrial Design Association.Research direction: Design Morphology Research and Application, Design Innovation and Brand Strategy.Professor Qiu Song's teaching achievements have won the teaching achievement awards at the national, Beijing and Tsinghua University levels, as well as excellent courses, excellent textbook, excellent teaching team awards. He has presided over or participated in more than 50 research projects. His design works have been selected into international and domestic design exhibitions and won more than 10 design awards.

曹楠 Nan Cao
Topic: Data Story Generation and Intelligent Visualization Design
曹楠,同济大学教授,博士生导师,同济大学 “智能大数据可视化实验室” 主任,毕业于香港科技大学并获得计算机博士学位。曹楠曾在IBM 研究部门工作近十年,主要研究方向是大数据分析及可视化等。其研究成果涵盖了数据可视化、数据挖掘、机器学习、及人机交互多个技术层面,并被应用在信息安全、智慧城市、健康医疗、智能设计等众多应用领域。
Content Introduction
Data visualization is an interdisciplinary filed that combines visual communication and interactive design and big data science together. It targets on finding effective visual representations to represent the insight of the data. While the increasing needs of data visualization in many application domains, how to effectively generate visual representations and designs to help with the data communication and narrative become a challenge. In recent year, researchers in Tongji Intelligent Big Data Visualization Lab has made a series of attempts and a product has been developed. In this talk, we will introduce their research in automatic data story generation and intelligent visualization design.
Curriculum Vitae
Cao Nan, professor and doctoral supervisor of Tongji University, director of "intelligent big data visualization laboratory" of Tongji University, graduated from Hong Kong University of science and technology with a doctor's degree in computer science. Cao Nan has worked in IBM research department for nearly ten years, and his main research direction is big data analysis and visualization. Its research achievements cover data visualization, data mining, machine learning, and human-computer interaction, and are applied in many application fields, such as information security, smart city, health care, intelligent design and so on.

Teal Triggs
Topic: Future of PhD Design Research in a Time of Anxiety
Teal Triggs是英国皇家艺术学院传播学院平面设计教授、研究生负责人。她在指导设计类硕士/博士和作为外部评审方面具有丰富的经验。作为一位平面设计史学家、评论家和教育家,她的作品出现在许多书籍和国际设计出版物中。她博士毕业于雷丁大学(University of Reading),博士论文有关“朋克和暴动的图形语言”。
Teal Triggs的研究主要集中于设计教育、设计批评、设计研究方法和女性主义等。其在跨学科研究项目方面也有经验,并受到行业资助。她是《Design Issues》(MIT Press)的副主编,也是《Communication Design》(Taylor&Francis/ico-D)的创始主编。她最近出版的著作包括《The Graphic Design Reader》(Bloomsbury)、《Fanzines》(Thames & Hudson)以及《The School of Art》(Wide Eyed Editions)等,该书入围了ALCS 2016教育作家奖。她目前正在合编一本新书,探讨在不断变化的公共图书馆领域中,沟通设计和投机未来的作用。
Teal Triggs还是澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT)设计与社会学院的兼职教授,同时也是设计研究学会(FDRS)、国际印刷设计师协会(FISTD)和皇家艺术、制造和商业促进会(FRSA)的研究员。
Curriculum Vitae
Teal Triggs is Professor of Graphic Design and Postgraduate Research Lead in the School of Communication, Royal College of Art, London. She has extensive experience as a supervisor and external examiner for design-related MPhil/PhDs. As a graphic design historian, critic and educator her writings have appeared in numerous edited books and international design publications. She completed her PhD thesis on the graphic language of punk and riot grrrl fanzines at the University of Reading. Her research focuses primarily on design pedagogy, criticism, self-publishing, design research methods and feminism. Teal also has experience in leading industry-funded interdisciplinary research projects internationally. She is an Associate Editor of Design Issues (MIT Press) and was founding Editor-in-Chief of Communication Design (Taylor & Francis/ico-D). Her recent books include as co-editor, The Graphic Design Reader (Bloomsbury), author of Fanzines (Thames & Hudson), and author of the children’s book The School of Art (Wide Eyed Editions) which was shortlisted for the ALCS 2016 Educational Writer’s Award. She is currently co-editing a new book which explores the role of communication design and speculative futures for a changing public library sector. Teal is also Adjunct Professor, School of Design and Social Context, RMIT University, Australia, and is a Fellow of the Design Research Society (FDRS), Fellow of the International Society of Typographic Designers (FISTD), and Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA).
